Feb 10, 2023Liked by Jason Mackenzie

I hate all those words; yin and yang, light and shadow, and die only to revive. However, we all know that they are there as they are all so true. And as you know, only the brave one can light a candle in the middle of darkness. You are the one.

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Feb 7, 2023Liked by Jason Mackenzie

Before you go off to sleep this evening Jason … here is one of my favorite poems that I wish to share with you because I am constantly thinking of you, Tanja, Mel, your mom and what you have endured and this pathway --- road that no one should travel along

Adapted from Le Petit Prince …

In one of the stars I shall be living,

In one of them I shall be laughing, and

It will be as if all the stars were laughing

When you look at the sky at night …

And there is your Chloe's sweetness

In the laughter and brightness of all the stars

And in the memories of those you love

With heartfelt sympathy, love, and healing light - Jackie

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I discovered your page a few weeks ago and instantly felt a resonance with your thought proccess. I’m so sorry for your loss and I really hope you find all the gifts that comes from it. I’m from Brazil in this encarnation but I believe we all came from the same place - one that holds a life purpose for us that we cant always understand. Chloe’s purpose will live forever inside of you and everyone who received the gift of even meeting her. I can’t even imagine the pain you are going through right now, and I’m sorry if it feels disrespectful, but tonight I’m praying for your newest angel to look out for you and your family from now on. My condolences for you and your family.

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Feb 4, 2023·edited Feb 4, 2023

Heartfelt apologies for you having to bear such pain and loss. It will never feel right. But you can certainly look for the blessings from tragedy. And, if they seem hard to find, given time, you can create them yourself. In spirit, Barbara Brown.

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The world needs to hear more of this - you bring hope and light to so many, Jason. People need to hear that to suffer hell, is to have been blessed with experiencing a bit of heaven on earth; love, connection, healing, family, the vibrant life energy of a 19 year old beauty… continued love and empathy, my friend.

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I’m so sorry for your loss Jason, and the loss being felt from ripples to tsunami waves of all those that loved Chloe. I pray for comfort, and healing in this time of absolute tragedy.

I find a semblance of comfort that she’s been reunited with her mama up in heaven above. God had greater plans for Chloe then any of us are aware of.

Lifting you all up in my prayers ❤️

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You are a gift my friend. To so many. Your words have always lifted people and made them look at life in much more different positive ways. Lean on all of us now. Love you.

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JMack. I learned of this news yesterday. It’s been on my mind in a heavy way since. As you’d shared about it above, sharing your experiences were one of the many ways her legacy shall live on. I often times think about your screenshots of texts that you shared with our group and lessons that came of them. I’m very sorry for the hole that will be in your heart, the loss, and the pain you will work through. My family’s love, thoughts and prayers are with you and yours! ❤️

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I am so very sorry for your loss and the profound sadness that you and your family are going through. Thinking of you and your family during this very difficult time.

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Jason you are such an important person to me. I have a ton of respect for you. You were influential in my journey from a hurt man to an emotionally healed/strong man. You, Jeff, Larry, Brad and others loved me through the pain, confusion and everything else that had me stuck in the past. I had a lousy relationship with everything and everyone. With this, once again, you are displaying a vulnerability and strength that all of us reading can learn and I will carry it forward. God bless Chloe’s soul. She will live on through all of us who have the honor to walk through this with you and your loved ones. My heartfelt condolences remain for you and your family…they carry with them a ton of gratitude, admiration and desire to emulate the type of human you are in my own life. I thank The Lord for men like you. I love you brother 🙏🏼👊🏼

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You’re the bravest man I know. 🙏

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